Post BMT day 235
Today brought a whole roller coaster of emotions once again. Tate is doing okay. She ate a little today which makes me feel like the antibiotics are helping. Infectious disease confirmed cultures grew again today. So this is a definite infection and not a contaminant. We are waiting on sensitivities to ensure she’s on the right antibiotics. Our Hope is it will clear quickly and not settle on her PICC so we can save the central line.
The actual roller coaster started in the ER Wednesday. We left being told that Tates lupus had likely relapsed and that there was possibly concern over her bone marrow function. Not good news post transplant. We went to sleep and woke feeling pretty sad.
Bmt appointment took us to main on Thursday where we were told all was well from their perspective and that we’d reassess if things continued to slide but no bone marrow biopsy until March. That Tate is anemic and needs iron infusions and that likely is why she was feeling so badly. A relief and the anemia answered some questions but not all. At the end of our appointment, Once the cultures popped positive, I was hopeful that THAT explained everything combined with the anemia.
But today we received more labs back that have been trending unfavorably for a time and in the range they are now would indicate active lupus (in the past.) Confusing and scary again. So….our beloved rheumatologist came by today and talked all kinds of theories with me. She isn’t so quick to lay everything on the infection as both Tates knees and ankles are swollen today but joins in on hoping that many things improve as the antibiotics work. The plan is to get through the infection and then start working through the remaining symptoms again. So relieved and grateful to have Dr. Moore back on active team Tate.
Tomorrow is sweet baby Chloe’s funeral. Tate and I are heartbroken to have to miss it. Our hearts are with the Stevenson family. It will be live-streamed which I’ll post on Tate’s page. Please continue to keep the Stevenson’s and all who are missing Chloe in your prayers .