Post BMT day 234


ER visit #2 in less than 24 hours. Tate woke feeling crummier than last night and we headed to our BMT appointment. While finishing up and literally rolling out of our room, ID called because one of Tatum’s blood cultures popped meaning it’s positive for a bacterial blood infection. Protocol led us to the ER where Tate had more labs, fluids and antibiotics run. She got “red man’s syndrome” from the vancomycin antibiotic which meant flushing, hives, itchy and burning skin and eventually puffy eyes. Benadryl fixes lots of things in our world including this. We’re shortly headed to a non BMT floor which brings on all kinds of emotions. We’re leaving our comfort zone. GI now manages Tatum’s central line and feels she’ll benefit most from a general medical team with all that is going on. We LOVE our GI Dr. Gumer and trust her completely. We will miss our familiar and loved BMT nurses. We’ve been on 8 though many times so there’s likely familiar faces there too. Plus…dog access in Tates room!


Post BMT day 235


Post BMT day 223