Post BMT day 236


Saturdays are typically really quiet in the hospital. Today ended up being a little more busy. Tates cultures grew again and the sensitivities came back. Her antibiotics were switched. No more chance of red man syndrome on this new one. It is a new one to her and caused flushing but nothing to worry about.

Tate didn’t sleep much at all last night. She caught a couple naps today but is feeling pretty meh today. No eating and very pale. Hemoglobin dropped again so looking further into getting her an iron infusion once this infection clears.

We did watch the livestream of Chloe’s funeral. I had let her nurse know ahead of time. Tate is on a monitor and it kept alarming as a high heart rate corresponds with tears. We love the Stevenson’s and little Chloe so much. Our hearts are just broken for them. Knowing our friend Lilly and her family were there in attendance kind of brought everything full circle. These families are all so interconnected. To attend the funeral of a child who lived the same medical circles hits so hard for all of us. I pray our girls don’t ever have to sit as a spectator again for anymore of their friends while contemplating their own medical situation. It’s a difficult part that is hard to share with the outside world. But it provides the best lesson in faith. Trusting God above all else. And also a lesson in priorities; where you spend your energy and time and attention. Love the people in front of you first. Our world places too much focus on the things or achievements and forget that God has blessed you with those too. Thank you for praying for The Stevenson’s and Lilly, Kody, Autumn & Tate. I know I can speak for everyone to say how grateful we are.




Post BMT day 237


Post BMT day 235