Post BMT day 223


Ever since returning home from the funeral in WY, Tate has been struggling. Sleeping 20+ hours each day, struggling more with nausea and muscle, joint & abdominal pain, not eating or drinking and not tolerating j tube feeds well. Today Tate had a GI appointment and her Dr. didn’t like how she looked and sent us to the ER. Tate bartered for North which meant we got to see Lauren & Pringle!

A couple bags of fluids and lots of labs lent some clarity to what Tate has been experiencing. A bit more to work through. Avoiding admission, tomorrow brings a telephone consult with rheumatology and a BMT appointment with likely more fluids. We’ve added home IV fluids to our arsenal so once those arrive from Homecare we should have what we need to stay out of the ER….at least for fluids. It’s rare when we leave the ER without an admission. Thankful to sleep in our own beds tonight!

I’m feeling rather defeated tonight as this journey doesn’t seem to lighten for Tate yet just adds more. But keeping things in perspective and having gratitude that although transplant left her with way more than we had hoped, it did save her life. And for that we are grateful.




Post BMT day 234


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