Chloe’s Details

A Celebration of Life Service will be held at Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Aurora, CO on Saturday, October 22, 2022 beginning at 12:30pm with an open casket, public viewing. A service will follow starting at 2pm.

The church address is:

17700 E Iliff Ave

Aurora, CO 80013

As another option to flowers, the Stevenson family welcomes donations that will be dedicated to the future plans of creating “Chloe’s Cupboard” - a very special snack closet that will provided to RMHC pediatric families. At this time, no special account has been set up for donations from family and friends afar but once something is set up, another announcement will be made. Thank you for your patience.

Those able to physically attend, we encourage you to be comfy in your attire at the funeral. We would love for you to either come dressed in your Chloe shirts OR have sprinkles of purple and/or yellow in your attire to support Child Hood Cancer and Neuroblastoma.


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