Post BMT +200


It’s Day 200! This isn’t necessarily a Milestone in BMT world, but it definitely is for Tate. It’s hard sometimes to see any positive progress from day to day. But when I compare to day 100, it feels like we’re getting somewhere!

Tate and I are halfway home…currently in Omaha. We were disappointed to miss the pancake breakfast this morning. We are truly overwhelmed with all the love and support. I think this past week, being admitted in Wisconsin, was a pretty solid reminder that Tate still has so much to work through on a daily basis. To know we have her tribe right behind us truly makes a difference. SO many people volunteered time and energy today in support of our family. Thank You feels inadequate. But THANK YOU for continuing to love us so well. We go to bed at night thanking God for all of you.




Post BMT +201


Post BMT +199