Happy Valentine’s Day!

Day 47

Happy Valentine’s Day! Look at Tate’s door! You guys! So amazing! She also received 3 packages of cards today from school kids and Sunday schools. Too many to hang up but we sure had fun looking at them all! And packages today too! She was a popular girl in the volunteer office for deliveries. Thank you!

Todays super fun surprise was getting to see Pringle and Lauren who were here from North Campus. We’ve missed them both (and our other North friends) SO much! Such a fun highlight for all of us!! You would not believe the hoops that had to be gone through to make this happen. So grateful for all who worked to put it together!

Today’s meeting was as expected. The information highlights were that we were reassured that transplant is the best and only way to move forward. Tate’s marrow is now showing dysplasia. Which means Tate is developing MDS, which is blood cancer. She would need a transplant 100% for this regardless of the trisomy 8 complications. We were hoping to get to transplant before this happened as it’s a known risk with MT8 mutations. But this news doesn’t change the plan and we’re grateful it’s as early as it is.

Tate’s system review was overall pretty good. Her kidneys aren’t quite at the level they’d consider functioning optimally but they’ll watch them closely and adapt as needed. This meeting lays out all the scenarios that things can go wrong. There’s a lot. Transplant is scary and tough to get through. But we know that the leader of Tates team is the greatest physician who already knows every challenge and celebration we’ll experience. We choose to sit in a place of faith and trust and not give in to the fear. Grit & Grace.



T-shirt update. The orders will be arriving this week. Due to the large order, there was a couple day delay getting them out. You should receive an email once your shirts ship.


Today was rough


Hug the ones you love