Today was rough

Day 48

Today was rough. A screaming headache woke Tate up early this morning followed by low grade fever and projectile vomiting. It was pretty intense until we got enough meds in her to stop the vomiting and nausea put her to sleep. She didn’t wake at all until after 3 pm and then slept again until 5:00. Headache remains, just dulled by the meds. We think it may be a reaction to the IVIG Tate had a couple days ago, but with the growing disease burden in her body, it’s hard to know which end is up.

The pain continues to progress. The morphine wasn’t cutting it so she was switched back to dilaudid today. Nothing is working great anymore. Due to the severity of the chemo they’ll be giving her, they’re anticipating lots of pain so are trying to stay down on the narcotics and save another round of ketamine until then.

Tate has an amazing PA on her team who has a 6 month old also named Tatum.She brought her a box of Reese’s Puffs cereal today which made a delicious first and last meal of the day. So blessed to have such smart and loving team members!

The pics are of Tates projector light which a super sweet Tates Tribe friend sent. We love it so much. It transforms the room and takes us far away from here.






Happy Valentine’s Day!