Hug the ones you love

Day 46
Tate and I made it outside today. It was brief due to nausea and an unprepared mama, but the blue sky and sunshine were wonderful for the short time we were out. And I’m getting pretty good managing her double IV pole and the wheelchair. My respect for the transport team continues to grow!
The afternoon was spent making valentines for the nurses and staff. Tomorrow morning is the dreaded consent meeting for Tim & I. Tate technically is supposed to be part of it as she’s over 13. But due to the difficult topics, she’ll have a modified one Wednesday afternoon after we have a chance to summarize for her first. We appreciate having this option. These meetings/care conferences, etc are pretty intimidating just with the conference room setting much less the content.

Holidays here typically add in a little extra fun so after we get through the morning, it should be a fun Valentines Day. There is a special party in the dog park. Tate can’t attend due to infection control, but there may just be a surprise in store for her.
Go hug the ones you love.



Happy Valentine’s Day!


Facing the “what ifs”