February 24, 2025
Day 25
These smiling pictures aren’t actually a good representation of how Tate feels or her state, most of the day, but I did catch two happy moments courtesy of Tate’s sweet homecare nurse and our friend, Sarah Johnson, Round Up River Ranch CEO, who set up Tate with an amazing collection of RRR t-shirts and adorable bag. Thanks friends for brightening her day!
Care conference took place today with 17 medical providers. Tim and I were truly humbled to sit in a room filled with so many people who love our girl. It was a reminder that the human emotion of feeling “alone” is just that…an emotion. Our reality is that no matter how our outside world moves on wothout us, we have an entire medical family right here, with a unified goal of getting Tate back to a healthier place.
This week Tate will have surgery to remove her line along with a bone marrow biopsy. She’ll receive high dose IV steroids while continuing on the continuous IV antibiotics for about 3 more weeks. And the lovenox shots for a few months minimum to maybe forever . Intensive Rehab PT will be working with her daily and we’re switching up her pain meds a bit more. She’ll go back to surgery likely next week to get a new central line placed. And there will be continued reassessment to see what is and isn’t working.
On paper it doesn’t sound so bad, but in reality, this is going to be tough on Tate. But we know she can get through hard things and we’re grateful for a plan. Thank you for the continued love and prayers .