Post BMT Day + 128

Post BMT +128

Yesterday was a BIG, long day full of information and test results. The spinal tap was negative for meningitis. They had trouble with the tap as her csf pressure was so low. They were only able to get 6-7 drops in 3 tries. They got enough sample to run the meningitis screen but had to leave neurologies tests out. Spinal tap was negative for bacteria! Which still left the cause of the neurological symptoms unanswered.

Urine culture did grow the same bacteria as what is in her blood, as did both broviac (central line) lumens. This morning, her repeat line cultures grew lots of bacteria immediately showing another bacteria so another antibiotic was added. They think the infection started in her bladder and traveled to her bloodstream. Tonight they accessed and drew cultures in her port as well.

Tatum didn’t present super typically (go figure) for a blood infection. She’s had one before along with a bone infection and had the more typical 105 fevers with rigors. They believe her 99.8 temps last week were indicative of infection as she’s usually about 2.5 degrees cooler at her baseline. She was on steroids through Tuesday which were suppressing the fevers. Wednesday evening was her first day back on just her maintenance steroids and the little bit higher fever popped through. And we are so thankful it did. They believe her bacterial load is very high as cultures are growing quickly and very robustly. Tate still felt pretty crummy today, so we are hoping tomorrow the cultures will be clean as the antibiotics start fighting back.

This afternoon Tate was set up on EEG leads. 27 leads on her head ti catch any seizure like activity. She actually has displayed much less neurological symptoms while attached, which gives me confidence that these symptoms are infection related and not seizure activity. She’ll probably have it on for 24 hours unless we catch a big episode before then. She’s had lots of small tics and tremors.

The fatigue is catching up tonight. Tate slept much of the day in between visitors, pokes and prods. I’m hoping that continues even more peacefully tonight. Thank you for all the prayers and love. We continue to Thsnk God for you all.




Post BMT Day + 129


Post BMT Day + 127