Post BMT Day + 127
+127 continued.
Tate’s cultures came back as positive for bacteremia-a bacterial bloood stream infection. These can be scary as they move quickly, and are dangerous, especially in an immunocompromised person. But…..Tate was started on antibiotics already in the ED early this morning and we believe hers was caught early.
She’s currently undergoing a spinal tap to rule out meningitis. She’s had some concerning neurological symptoms that they were set to run an EEG for to look for seizure activity when her culture came back. The EEG and possibly a brain mri could happen later.
We’re looking at about 14 days of IV antibiotics unless meningitis is present, then it would be longer. This infection actually explains a lot of her symptoms, just not her platelets. For that we are grateful to have something that is treatable with readily available meds. This particular bacteria can be drug resistant and sneaky. We appreciate all the extra prayers for the antibiotics to do their job thoroughly and quickly.
We are looking forward to some sleep tonight. It’s been a long week and sleepless couple of days.