Post BMT Day + 129

Day +129

EEG was stopped late morning. Results showed no seizures but did show encephalopathy and maximal frontal cerebral dysfunction. Basically they believe the infection and potentially medication is affecting how Tate’s brain is working resulting in tremors and other neurological symptoms that affect her speech patterns and thought processes. I am seeing improvement though so feel confident that things will return to her baseline once the infection clears and her body has time to heal.

Tate slept all day again. Although last night and today were restless due to increased pain and nausea again. She’s running a little fever tonight and struggling with abdominal pain and distention. She’s also pretty puffy. I was reminded again in rounds this morning that her bacterial load upon admission was so high, so this will take some time to clear. Still praying these antibiotics are working and the fever isn’t a sign of worsening infection to come.

We have some sweet friends that need extra prayers. Their precious 1 year old, Chloe, has relapsed with neuroblastoma. Her second scheduled transplant is now off the table and they will be looking at trials to attack the beast that is this cancer. This is a beautiful, faith filled family that needs to be carried in our prayers right now.

We you Stevenson’s!




Post BMT Day + 130 + 5


Post BMT Day + 128