My mama heart is raw.

Day 57:
Today brought an increase in fentanyl….again. It’ll take about 24 hours to see if it adds any relief. We haven’t seen much change when increasing any of the narcotics. But morphine is maxed out, so we’ll give this a try. Body pain is continuing to increase as is just feeling lousy. Last night was hard. Pain is worse at night.

Hospice referral was placed today. I received a phone call but couldn’t bring myself to call them back. Maybe tomorrow. ❤️‍🩹
Tate had an innovative PT session today. Body movement challenges through virtual reality. Really cool! Movement is painful, but she pushed through 20 minutes. Proud of her. Grateful for creativity and an encouraging team!

Keira is doing better today. Thank you for prayers and offers to help. My worry level for my other children is no longer rational. And my mama heart is raw. I’m so grateful to those who just step in to help regardless. It’s as much for me as for my children. I’m so grateful!


4th night home


Snuggling our pups.