Snuggling our pups.

Day 55
Nothing new to report today. As we wait on a consensus for transplant timing, we are still trying to figure out a way to get home for as long as the timing allows before we have to come back for transplant. Tate will need to be pretty isolated to keep her healthy, but we want to create some nice memories in the meantime, even if it’s just snuggling our pups.

Tate felt pretty crummy today. She slept a good portion of the day-a definite change. But she also walked a unit lap. It takes some coaxing, but I’m so proud of her for continuing to fight back when even the smallest things feel like moving mountains.

We had so many of you express a desire to help with finding a bone marrow match. Thank you!
Tate is in good shape now in that department. But please continue to register. There are many needing matches.

Another way you can help is through blood donation. Tate will need transfusions as she goes through transplant. We’re obviously not there yet, but there is always a need for blood. If you’re local, click the link below to donate through Children’s Co.


My mama heart is raw.


Signs of increased inflammation