4th night home
Tonight is our 4th night home, and if I’m being honest, it feels like we’ve been home for a month. We knew there would be an adjustment being home , just weren’t quite sure how it’d look.
Fri-Sun, we were giving Tate morphine every two hours around the clock. Multiple increases in pain meds across the board left Tate still not comfortable enough to rest. Sunday brought severe migraines and new ulcers in her esophagus. Hospice was very attentive and Sunday night started Tate on a pain pump. After some hiccups again with her port, we finally got things rolling. early Monday morning. This has helped a bit with pain but is mostly sedating allowing Tate to finally sleep. Increased nausea and real difficulty eating and drinking with the new ulcers have made awake moments challenging. It’s hard to see Tate sedated but we also are grateful for the relief and escape it provides from the constant pain. It will take some time for Tim and I to adjust to this new normal. It isn’t the “memory making” time at home we had hoped for.
I was in contact with Tatum’s team today. There is still great debate over this transplant timeline. As she continues to develop new or worsening symptoms, the timing becomes more important. Please pray for them to come to a consensus soon that everyone feels good about. We need everyone on the same page in order to move forward confidently.