Post BMT +61

Day 123
Post BMT +61

Yesterday and last night brought on some new symptoms. Full body tremors and urinary retention. Vomiting and bathroom attempts kept us up most of the night.
Rounds this morning had the soundtrack “womp, womp, womp” playing at the end. Lots of speculation, zero solutions. Tate had an EEG and abdominal ultrasound. GI came in twice. Pharmacy and BMT combed her med list and all possible interactions, and toxicities. The end result was they’re thinking she’s having anticholinergic side effects to some of the meds. She’s on meds to control the nausea and vomiting that they think are actually completely shutting her gut down. It’s causing everything to back into her stomach causing the incessant vomiting and stomach pain. They took her off a big one and kept her on an antibiotic that should increase motility. They also vented her GTube into a bag to allow the stomach acids somewhere to go. If this works, things should improve little by little with peak effects in 4-5 days. We are praying so hard this is the answer! They put all the meds they could back to IV to give her gut a rest and she’s back on longer spans of tpn/lipids. Definitely a step backwards, but we are so grateful for a hard working team that were able to come up with what feels like a very logical plan.

Tate had a nice period of sleep today but was vomiting again tonight. The tremors are a little disturbing to see as she shakes from head to toe. I would anticipate these to be one of the first things that resolves.



Post BMT +62


Post BMT +60