Post BMT +62

Day 124
Post BMT +62

No vomiting today! A big win despite the nausea. Low grade fevers continue to pop in and out. Tate slept today. A lot. But she isn’t sleeping much at night. It seems like the teams plan is working a bit to at least stop the vomiting. She is still positive for EBV and CMV which they continue to monitor closely.
Fun fact in the photo below. This past summer when Tate was inpatient for a couple months, the palliative team told us they were working on an integrative medicine team. Today, it actually launched with Tate as the very first patient. Dr. Wong came in and did acupressure and visualization with Tatum. Once cleared, she’ll also receive acupuncture and aromatherapy is available as well. Eventually, they hope to offer massage therapy, Reiki and therapeutic touch. We’re just learning about these but are so excited to have alternative treatments with no med side effects!

Tate had an abnormal EKG today that is showing medication effects. She continues to be tachycardic and have high BP despite meds. All great reasons to pull back on some of the meds contributing to this.

All in all, an improvement from yesterday with a bit to go yet. We’ll take it and Thank God along the way!



Post BMT +63


Post BMT +61