Post BMT +60
Day 122
Post BMT +60
I learned something new today. Orange peels for nausea. Tate alternates between orange peels and alcohol pads. Whatever helps!!!
Discharge wasn’t even part of the conversation today, so tomorrow is off the table. I didn’t think otherwise as she’s not tolerating anything. Heart rate and BP are way up today even while sleeping showing that her body is working hard. After further discussion today, currently they think this is either related to her dysmotility in her gut and us continually “poking” it trying to wake it up, causing inflammation, or developing GVHD. But….she’s not presenting gut gvh in the traditional sense (why would we start that now ) Although she has symptoms for upper and lower GI, her upper symptoms are far worse, which could be explained by the fact that she takes nothing in, so there’s nothing to produce. This will either get better or worse. We are trying to hold off on the invasive tests until there’s more confidence that gvh is where we’ll land.
Last night they increased dosages of a few meds and allowed her to have them more frequently. She still feels terrible, but is vomiting less than yesterday. She was started on an antibiotic called erythromycin that can be used to increase gut motility. So praying it helps.
It IS disappointing to not reach discharge tomorrow, but she’s not well enough to leave, so there’s no debate. The true hurdle is digging deep enough to find another round of patience while battling sleep deprivation. Tate has been able to rest a little bit this afternoon which is an answer to prayer as it’s the only time there is any relief. Mondays are full lab days for Tate, so we’ll see if we get any direction through those tomorrow morning.