Scratch Offs

Day 35

Tate received a fun valentines card today with lottery scratch offs. She didn’t win, but thought it was so fun to try! Thank you Michelle Wilder Benson! She also received a valentines care package from her bestie this past week. Her room is beautiful with all the hearts and the henna kit has been a hit. Her nurses are loving it too!

Tate has had a scopolamine patch on since July. (Not the same one…gets changed every 3 days) Sometimes it helps to control the nausea and sometimes not. Yesterday her team wanted it off to give her body a rest so it will be more effective with transplant. It was doing more than we thought. Lots of nausea all day, so it went back on today. Takes a bit to kick in, so tomorrow should be a better day.

We also cut about 6 inches off her hair today…with a kids fiskars scissors. I’m by no means “good” at hair, but it’s definitely easier to manage now. Tate is starting to become more comfortable with the idea of losing her hair and is planning on henna head tattoos once she’s there.




Low blood pressure


Oh my wow!