Oh my wow!

Day 33:

Oh my wow! Words cannot possibly express our feelings of overwhelming gratitude for the support we received with the T-shirt campaign. You guys!!!! I almost didn’t run it as I didn’t think we’d hit the required 50 shirts. Almost 500 we’re sold! That is mind boggling to me. Our entire goal was more about just showing Tate she’s supported than the fundraising bit. We are blown away! And the monetary donations in addition….I didn’t even realize that was part of this until I saw it happening. Thank you! Thank you from the depths of our hearts. To feel the love and support changes our daily outlook. We know God walks beside us. To know he’s also given us all of you is beyond anything we could have ever imagined. We are so honored that you walk beside us and pray with us as Tate’s Tribe!

After a long week of having to stay away, Tim gave me a chance to get out for some sunshine today. I had a couple hours with my sweet Keira and Copper to go for a long walk and get some lunch. It was the reboot I needed.

Tate had a tough weekend. Pain has gotten so bad. She’s unable to walk to the bathroom from her bed without tears. Acute pain team will hopefully have some new ideas tomorrow. ❤️‍🩹




Scratch Offs


Some Ways to Help