Low blood pressure

Day 36 & 37:

Tates been struggling with low blood pressure. Her BMT team thinks is related to dilaudid build up. So yesterday the constant (basal) rate of dilaudid was decreased and she was started back on a constant ketamine infusion. BP overnight again was running low 70’s over low 30’s and upper 20’s. So the dilaudid basal and pca were turned down ago and the ketamine turned up. Ketamine really does the best job for Tate pain wise but has to be kept at a low rate and will only be run for 5 days as too much or too long starts to create neuropsych side effects for Tate. It’s a constant balance. We (including her pain and bmt teams) feel the constant pressure of “leaving room” with the pain meds to get her through transplant. This is not a peaceful feeling knowing how much she’s already battling through the pain each day.

Nausea has been wanting to hang around still yesterday and today. But today was better than yesterday, so hoping tomorrow it’ll maybe be gone.!?

Tate has received so many really beautiful cards and letters and gifts in the mail. Thank you! She loves all of them! We have all her Valentines cards on her door She can’t understand why “strangers” would write to her and send presents. She’s feeling loved and we’re so grateful. The support is honestly overwhelming. We feel so blessed to have you all behind us. I try to post the positive as I honestly cannot begin to put into words the raw emotions that shadow us everyday. But we feel uplifted by your sweet comments and prayers and support. Thank you!



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