Brain MRI was clean!

Quick update on this Thanksgiving Eve.

Brain MRI was clean! This is good news showing no progression of brain involvement. This doesn’t give a simple answer to Tate’s increasing endocrine issues. But we are thankful! We are hoping to see fewer and fewer neurological “quirks” as we continue to decrease the narcotics Tate is on for pain. Reducing these meds is no joke with unresolved pain, but Tate is a rockstar! Lots to be grateful for as more pieces fall into place for transplant.

Life is hard. Tonight as you go to sleep, pray for the families that look so beautifully put together on the outside but are struggling mightily on the inside. Depression, anxiety and addictions are present in every type of family. Holidays heighten the struggles. Life takes Grit & Grace. For yourselves. For your loved ones. For strangers. Tonight, pray for those who you know are struggling and for those who you know nothing about. We’re praying for you and we love you.
Happy, Blessed Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and Hope.


LOVE and Be Loved


Trust in his big picture