Trust in his big picture

This puppy…so much love between Tate and Pringle. They both were sound asleep like this.

It feels a little strange to say this week felt “normal,” as it was filled with much of the same. But I guess that means we’re adapting to what is our current reality. Appointments this week brought some additional disappointing labs and new plans to wrap our hearts around.

Tates neutrophils and white count continues to drop. This is a result of the med her transplant team wants her on as prep for transplant. We aren’t sure at what point if any they’ll decide her counts are too low for her to be safe on it at home and how that would change plans. We’re definitely not there yet though so are trying to enjoy each day home as it comes. She had PT, appointments and infusions and a pentamidine inhalation treatment this week. We continue to decrease pain meds which mixes in a lot of more challenging days for Tate. PT revealed some hyper reflexes that are yet another reason the brain MRI is important. We also learned yesterday that Tate will need a GTube placed prior to transplant. We’re hoping to combine a bunch of small surgeries in one….GTube, ovarian cryopreservation, broviac line placement and another bone marrow biopsy. No timeline yet, but it’s all starting to feel real and at times, overwhelming. We are trying to embrace the small stuff and enjoy all the little things. So thankful to have Keira home and missing the boys too. There’s so many challenges in life. It’s such a gift when we can see God using those as he promises….for our good. With the rest, we just have to trust in his big picture.


Brain MRI was clean!


Tate and Pringle