Tate and Pringle
Tate and Pringle
Day two of IVIG infusions done. The day was busy! We were able to see so many familiar faces that we’ve missed as the last 4 months of infusions Tate has been inpatient for. It’s such an amazing team across the board and we almost always have Carissa, one of our nurses, who we love so much. She took time today to teach Tates hospice nurse how to care for her chest port. Amazing on both ends. It was Kathy’s day off and truly the only one benefitting is Tate. We are so grateful for all the love and kindness continually shown. The willingness to go over and above for the kids these nurses care for is honestly overwhelming and humbling. We thank God for them!
Tate is now neutropenic meaning her front line infection fighting white blood cells are low. Tatum used to be neutropenic regularly with her lupus until we found the best lupus med for her this past December. This wasn’t necessarily anticipated with the new med only a week into it, but it’s not a surprise either. It does add another layer of vulnerability with her suppressed immune system as she’s on multiple immunosuppressive meds and this new one kind of shuts down her whole system even without a drop in neutrophils. Her BMT Dr. conveyed the message that he wants her “in a bubble.” That’s hard when there’s so many people we’d like to spend time with. Makes us even more grateful for ALL the medical staff that are so amazing that we spend so much time with. God provides in unexpected ways.