Use Tatum’s struggles to grow Gods kingdom
I escaped for a walk this morning with a Kelly Minter podcast in my ear, my little companion by my side and Jesus in my heart. I know he’s always there. But I don’t always say good morning. Some days I’m too tired, some days I’m too disappointed and some days I’m angry. But I realized something today. I only have those feelings towards the people in my life that I care enough to be disappointed with. People can’t always handle it. But God can. This path doesn’t go forever, but it looks never ending when you can’t see the end. With Tatum’s health journey, we’ve felt like we’ve been searching for the end for years. When we were recently told that Tate would not survive this disease without a bone marrow transplant, it wasn’t the end of the path we wanted or what I’d been praying for. So my prayer changed. I asked God that if this was the path, then use us. Use Tatum’s struggles to grow Gods kingdom. To bring not only us, but others closer to him.
What I didn’t expect was God using you all to strengthen our faith. God is showing up continually in family and close friends. Friends I haven’t talked to in ages and acquaintances from long ago. And strangers! People we’ve never met who are touching us in unexpected ways. The encouragement and prayers. Celebrating little wins with us and sharing tears with the hard stuff. Showing us love through meals and gift cards; cozy socks and nail stuff. Cards and letters and photos of the beauty around you. And a hundred other unexpected ways. Thank you! Thank you for loving us and praying for us. And thank you for loving our other kids who are processing this in their own way. They need your love and prayers too. We are so grateful and feel Gods love through you.