Transplant +1
Day 64
Transplant +1
So the day after transplant is a little tough. The hype is over. You made it to the goal that has a date and that everyone can understand. I woke this morning feeling like pulling the blankets over my head. Tate clearly felt the same as she barely opened her eyes today. Now we wait. Wait for her to get sicker and then wait for her to get better. We pray so many specific prayers along the way. Todays: That migraine that kept her up all night goes away as we get her high blood pressure down. That her relentless diarrhea comes back negative for c-diff. That the new rash on her face and chest aren’t something sinister brewing. That her liver enzymes don’t continue to climb. That her sodium comes up and her glucose down. That the “icy burning” sensation in her fingers and toes are indeed from tacro toxicity and will be better by Saturday. That the next time you take her to the bathroom and she has to rest on the floor that you can get her up on your own because you almost had to call for help this time. And on. And on. And on. This is a whole new world. And it’s hard. And we are well versed in all things Medical.
But then you take a breath and hand it all off to God. We aren’t meant to carry it. We most definitely are given more than we can handle. That’s why he gave us his son. And asks us to hand it all over. What a relief! And now I can watch Amazing Race! (Go Kim & Pen Holderness!)
Yesterday, Tates hematologist, Taizo Nakano and rheumatologist, Katie Moore came in with music blasting down the hall and in a sloth (Dr. Nakano’s Christmas present from us) and Tiger (worn by Dr. Nakano to our first appointment with him) onesies. The only real smiles we got out of Tate. See the video in the comments. So so blessed with incredible people on Tates medical team!
Had to include my other loves supporting their sister. My heart is full.