Day 55
Phew! Today was a day filled with every emotion. It started with prayers for Tate’s donor and our new friend, Nathan (he had a great day! We’ve heard nothing yet about how donor harvest went.) Prayers were answered when we got a thumbs up for Keira to get a pass to come up to see Tate.
Tate braved the cold (8 degrees) for a visit with Pringle. One of her lines froze and another stopped working. She may be the first to go out when it was this cold and have that happen!
Keira and Tim came up and Tate decided to just go for it and shave her head before chemo starts tomorrow. She really wanted Keira to do it and today was the last she’ll see keira for a bit There were some tears but also a lot of laughter. Tate was a grit girl as she faced something she has been dreading for months. And she is beautiful and adorable and rocks that little bald head. (See the next post for the video.)
Tonight’s emotions are mixed as the reality of tomorrow is upon us. But her BMT Dr. said tonight that we celebrate everything and we made it! That is a huge win! We are so blessed by Dr. Eissa.
So tonight we are grateful. Grateful for sibling love. Grateful for friends and family. Grateful for modern medicine. Grateful for Tate’s Tribe and all the love and prayers! And above all we are grateful for God’s grace as he’s brought Tate this far.