Post BMT day 247


Super great news on the X-ray. The radiologist thinks it’s positional and canceled repeat pictures. At this point it is hard to accept anything at face value, but I’m so so thankful. This one threw me for an emotional loop.
The last couple days Tate is feeling pretty crummy again. Added iv fluids and more anti nausea meds. She continues to battle joint pain that makes sleeping difficult and nighttime j tube feeds aren’t going so great due to stomach pain. We’re not giving up.

A couple months ago Tate and I bought plane tickets to NY, to tag along with Tim on a work trip; Supposed to leave tomorrow. Beetle Juice is a show Tate knows inside out and it closes on Broadway in November. We’re obviously not going. It’s not so much about the show or location. Just another stolen opportunity. These illnesses continue to be thiefs and some days it’s hard to keep stepping forward. I honestly cling to knowing Gods mercies are new every morning.



Post BMT day 249


Post BMT day 245