Post BMT Day + 125

Day +128

Thank you for praying for Lilly. Keep praying!

4th of July weekend was pretty low key once family left. Tate has been in bed since Friday feeling pretty awful. Not eating/drinking. Worsening back pain and tremors, increased nausea, gvhd rash is back and just really weak and pale. We worked hard to keep her home. She has her Mrcp test tomorrow morning.….finally! We’re praying for answers as to what is currently going on.

We didn’t watch fireworks or host our usual gathering but we were thankful just to be home. But….today is Tim’s Birthday! Also low key, but so grateful to have such an amazing partner through this all. Love you Tim!

Tonight we are back at Brent’s Place apartment for a few days. Friday we are moving out! Dreading the regular commute that comes next but again…grateful to be home!




Post BMT Day + 127


Post BMT Day + 124