Post BMT Day + 124

Post BMT +124

Prayer requests

Lilly is back in the hospital with another blood infection. Her poor body cannot catch a break. She and her family are weary. Please lift them up!

Our little friend Kody had a skull mri today which showed a very slight increase in the cancer lesions on his skull. So today they switched up his chemo protocol. Pray it’s Gods plan to heal him through this as he continues to fight the beast that is neuroblastoma.

Thursday’s BMT appointment was fairly uneventful. Tatum is making huge strides in her physical therapy. Labs showed her platelets tanked again. So much so that they did a repeat draw thinking it was a lab error. They were lower yet the second draw. They’ll continue to watch them and we’ll land on another bone marrow biopsy if they continue to stay low, drop or bounce. Tates broviac has slowly been migrating further out of her chest. The “cuff” is showing which typically means it needs to be removed or replaced. X-ray showed it is still in a safe place so we’ll see what her GI team says Tuesday in relation to the TPN.

We finally received Tate’s feeding pump. We have enteral feeds running. Getting these rolling will get her off the TPN more quickly. Tate hasn’t felt well the last few days. Lots of sleeping and worsening nausea and back pain again. We really just need the MRCP to give us a better view of her gallbladder…it’s on Wednesday!

The best part of the holiday weekend was time with Miami cousins and Uncle Marc & Aunt Jet. They left Saturday morning, but we had time with them Thursday night and Friday. Short but so sweet! Tim, Titus and Bentley all have Birthdays within the first two weeks of July, so it’s always fun to celebrate Birthdays a little early.

Our 4th weekend will be low key but at home! Tim’s Birthday is the 5th, which always adds a little extra fun to the Holiday. Have a Happy and safe 4th!




Post BMT Day + 125


Post BMT Day + 121