Thank You

March was a big month for Tatum…Sweet 16 and 1 year BMT Anniversary. We had to delay it a bit, but we’re now having an open house party to celebrate Tate and thank all of you for all the love and support. You’re all invited! Bring your family, kids and friends. Please RSVP through the QR code (point your phone camera at it and click the link) if you think you can make it.
Tatum doesn’t want any gifts but does want to give back. She received a light projector for her hospital room during transplant. It turned that hospital room into a soothing escape and we all appreciated that! So we have a project! We’d like to provide every patient that enters BMT at Children’s Colorado with a light projector from Tate’s Tribe! If you’d like to participate, you can choose what’s easiest for you.

1. Use the QR code to purchase from the Amazon wishlist. Or use this link. (Choose Tate’s list as an address.)

2. Bring a cash donation to the party.

3. Donate through Venmo. @Jamie-Spiegelberg


1 Year + 81


1 year + 80