1 year + 39

1 year +39

Yesterday was long. Tates surgery was pushed to a 2 pm start. We struggled with high BP and pain after, but once we got that under control, we got home around 6. Tate was taken care of so well by the staff who understands just how much she’s been through. I’m amazed how they adapt in every department from caring for her as a little girl to a full on teen. Same girl. Different needs. So much gratitude. Tate was up early with pain and has been zonked on the couch for the last 4 hours. Thank you to all my medical mama friends that reached out yesterday. You help make this journey a little less lonely. Angie and Emma hung with me during surgery as Tim was tied up in Holy Week work. Continue to keep Emma and her team in your prayers. We’re so grateful for the ongoing love and support. We recognize this journey is long and tiring. Thanks for sticking with us!




1 year + 41


1 year + 37