1 Year + 199
1 Year +199
After what always feels like an eternity in the ER, Tate was admitted and we got up to her room at 4 AM. It’s always another hour or so to work through all the meds and orders. Labs and cultures were drawn. Iv Solucortef for Tate’s adrenal insufficiency given. They put her on 2 IV antibiotics in the ER to cover her in the event her cultures are positive. No fever, but chills and sweating like her body thinks there’s one. Immunosuppressants and just being Tate will do that. Incessant vomiting and pretty terrible migraine. I’m praying it’s not a blood infection, but based on how she looked today, I wouldn’t be surprised.
I have to admit there’s a lot of baggage I carry into ER visits, thinking that I’m going to have to fight to be heard. Years of a rare, misunderstood and unlabeled disease will follow you that way. I still feel anxious; even when we’ve been told to come in, and the ER has been called by her team and is waiting for us. She’s always taken back immediately. We come with our bags packed because she’s always admitted. Yet I still doubt myself and appreciate so much to hear, “You did the right thing by coming in.” It never feels good to be back in the hospital. But I am thankful for a kind, attentive and caring team to see us through it.