Post BMT +28

Day 91
Post BMT +28

Today was a day worthy of praises and hallelujahs. And yes, I know everyday is….but it was full of so many tangible positives! It’s only 8:30 pm, so a lot can still happen, but NO vomiting! This is huge. It’s been many days since we’ve sat here. Tate ate toast and noodles and drank apple juice all successfully. She strung some of her beads of courage (more on those later,) played bingo through Seacrest studios for OT and PT (working on core muscles sitting up and stamina,) and of course, napped. I saw some smiles and Tate even engaged in some conversations. A complete 180 from yesterday and the day before that, and before that, and before…. The sun was shining in all ways today. We are happily exhausted.

Over 3 months here this stay. It’s crazy to think Tate has spent over half of just this last year in the hospital. I honestly can’t remember most of it. It’s only when I look back and read an update that I remember. Most of which I’m not ready to visit again yet.

This morning I ended up riding the elevator and scrubbing into the unit with a BMT mama that I hadn’t met yet. Her daughter is 17. They spent last year going through a Stem cell transplant. She relapsed and they are here doing it all again. I couldn’t refrain my tears. This isn’t an unusual story. Today it caught me off guard. I can’t fathom doing this again, yet so many do, survive and thrive. Huge hugs to you Kerrie Anne Green ❤️‍🩹The strength to get through comes only from one place. The lasting effects are real and raw both physically and emotionally. There is no way the human spirit could manage this alone. Believer or not, we are most definitely given more than we can carry….alone. So thankful to have a God that is big enough to carry us all.

Today was too good to get bogged down in the challenging details….they were there today too. But tonight, we’re celebrating all the wins today and closing our eyes with grateful hearts.



Post BMT +30


Post BMT +27