Transplant +16
Day 79
Transplant +16
Tates ANC doubled again overnight! PTL!
It explains the increased pain, nausea, etc. she feels miserable but we’re hopeful she’ll turn the corner soon. She slept much of the day which is about the perfect coping mechanism for an exhausted, hurting, feeling sick, teen. If her ANC holds steady overnight, and it should! She’ll be considered “Neutrophil engrafted.”
Next steps will be working on starting a tiny water trickle feed through her G tube (5 ml/hour,) to wake up her stomach, working towards formula and eating by mouth to get her off TPN and lipids. Currently, even the meds through her G-tube have to be pushed so slowly to prevent vomiting. PT and OT will continue working on getting her to a place where she can gain some strength back to be safe on her feet. She’s incredibly weak and deconditioned. The neuropathy in her feet today had her in tears when standing to get in the bath. The warm bath water also causes a burning sensation in both her hands and feet. Lots of baby steps, but heading in the right direction.
Friends who are still waiting on shirts. Please email custom ink letting them know you haven’t received your order. They will direct ship to you.