Day 71 continued…

Day 71 continued…

Today was long and filled with a roller coaster of emotions. We increased the sedative and added ketamine and for most of the day it felt as if things were getting worse. There were all kinds of small nuances and challenges that Tate wouldn’t appreciate me sharing. But tonight around 6:30, after a particularly difficult hour, Tate just kind of “woke up” for a bit. She clearly felt awful but shared a glimpse of her sweet witty self to her nurse and one of her Dr’s. Her amazing nurse said, “I’m so glad I got a chance to meet that sweet girl.”

She watched as I opened a couple of early Birthday packages for her and I read some beautiful cards to her. One of her gifts was a stuffed sloth that came vacuum packed. It said to “slap me hard to fluff.” We all had a giggle, Tate instructed me to beat up her sloth and she named it Dr. Mike after the senior resident who was present, that is on her team and an incredible blessing to our family! Adorable!

She took a few sips of water, battled with a fierce bloody nose, and took her bleeding lips and mouth in stride. She still has to do wipe downs and linen changes everyday. No small feat for us to get through. She lasted about 30 minutes and is absolutely wiped. To get a glimpse of our Tate tonight was the salve our hearts needed and the God given encouragement to keep going. Keep praying. Keep hoping. Keep thanking.




Transplant +9, ICU 4


Transplant +8