Transplant +8
Day 71
Transplant +8
This morning felt defeating. Despite increases in both lidocaine and sedation meds, Tates night was awful. A restless sedation punctuated by moans, and crying out in pain and calling for me. It’s not working. The mucositis in her gut is progressing and GI pain is terribly difficult to control. She’s maxed out on lidocaine and technically it’s supposed to be shut off today. They’re adding ketamine, increasing the precedex and going to run the lidocaine one more day. Only by the grace of God can her body metabolize all this without lasting effects. She will get through this bump. God, we ask you to protect her from all other harm.
I ran into my friend, Miranda, this morning. Nathan was brought to the PICU yesterday for liver issues that are affecting his oxygenation. He had a blockage in his liver that miraculously cleared overnight. Please Pray for everything else to self resolve. He is day +16. It’s a long, long, journey.
Sean needs more prayers. He’s another bmt kiddo who is now at risk for cardiac arrest.
The PICU is heartbreaking. It is so hard to walk these halls with their glass walls and not feel the pain and fatigue and fear of the kiddos and families here. So many to pray for. It’s a hard place for a sleep deprived, worried, fragile heart. ❤️🩹