February 10, 2025
Day 11
Today wasn’t what we were hoping for. Last night was rough as Tate struggled to sleep with pain. A lab draw last night showed Tate’s platelets at 50. This is very low. This morning, there was concern that she was the 0.1% that develops an antibody from the Lovenox injections causing dangerously low platelets, called HIT. It would’ve involved treatment for that and switching to IV blood thinners. However, a repeat lab showed normal platelets. That was today’s big win.
Other than that, we tried moving pain meds from IV to oral with little success. Tate’s white count climbed considerably today and she just felt really lousy and slept much of the day. If there’s no improvement tomorrow, we may switch back to the antibiotic that didn’t seem to be working before this one. These DO cover the bacteria she grew, so in theory, they should be working. But….
Tate did find some energy for Cole and Ruffles today. Always a bright spot in our day.