Bone marrow biopsy

We are back in the hospital. But should be just a couple days this time. What started out as an insurance headache with Tate’s rheumatology infusion landing us in the hospital to access the treatment, is turning into a blessing as other areas that needed attention are being addressed. Tate has felt really awful the last few days, so we are praying for even small improvements to make her days more tolerable.

Infusions tonight including a ketamine drip to try and reduce some of the narcotics Tate is on. Over the last couple days narcotic side effects have increased so much making her days even more challenging. Urinary retention, profuse sweating, increased nausea, increased pain(we’re hoping is hyper analgesia,) sleepiness and super out of it.
She’s also getting her rheumatology infusion for her GI ulcers and fluids.

Tomorrow is a bone marrow biopsy to gauge the Mosaicism and be sure she hasn’t developed Myelodysplasia and an upper endoscopy to see what’s causing the upper GI pain. This should all get us to a better place to be home with hospice for the next 3 months until transplant. Transplant goal date is now the first or second week in January.

We are on the hem/oncology floor (7th) this time, so missing our 9th floor nurses! But, many of our nurses that we’ll have this stay are also BMT nurses, so their faces will soon be familiar.


She wants normalcy


A long, long week!