betadine beard
Day 17:
Out of surgery with a betadine beard. (She is not going to be thrilled with my photo choice.) Placement went great. You’ve never seen a kid so excited for surgery. She’s so over the multiple pokes and bruises for every IV or lab draw. Thank you for the prayers!
Not much new to report otherwise. Last nights sleep didn’t come until 4:30 this morning and was sporadic at best. She’s perplexing to both acute and chronic pain teams. They are working so hard to figure this out for her. We’re grateful for them and know each day we’re a bit closer. Today’s focus is the port and tonight’s focus is God-willing, sleep! We’re all pretty tired….Tim included. He’s trying to juggle so much right now. But mostly, we are thankful for so many who are showing their love and support in all different ways! We you!