Help us to have patience

Day 7: So much pain. The ketamine drip ran its max course yesterday and the pain has continuously increased since. Many morphine rescues in the last 12 hours as acute pain team is trying to come up with a new plan. Last rescue didn’t help so adding oxy around the clock. I hate having her on all these meds but the suffering is worse. One of the meds they started yesterday, gabapentin, can take 1-2 weeks to have an effect on pain. Nausea is pains best friend.
Started iv heavy steroid burst today to try to get on top of the inflammation causing the ulcers. She is scheduled for 1000mg solumedrol bursts once a day for 3 days in addition to the oral steroids. Surgery was in to discuss port placement but heavy steroids make wound healing difficult so it may be tabled again.
GI will decide on capsule test hopefully tomorrow.

Please Lord, comfort my Tate and take away her pain. Heal those ulcers and prevent further complications from these horrid diseases. Guide us to a better long term plan through the perseverance and compassion of her team. We know you hold her close. Help us to have patience and trust in your plan.


We feel him walking beside us.


Prayers work! Thank you!