We’re tired. Gods got her.

Day 3: The last 12 hours have been hard. Vomiting over the NG tube, x rays and replacement, reacting to the ketamine drip for pain, increased pain, turning down drip, increased pain, needing oxygen and all of this causing a two hour delay towards her procedure every time she vomits. Sleep and stopping the fluids are the only respite right now. She now has to be off all fluids for 6-8 hours before anesthesia due to the vomiting and risk of aspiration, which makes it unlikely we’ll make tomorrow morning for the scope. Now working towards Friday afternoon.

Not the smiling girl you’re used to seeing but truer to our reality. We’re tired. Gods got her. Thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement. Helps me get through the day!


Prayers work! Thank you!


Praying for pain management