Post BMT +50
Day 112
Post BMT +50
Tate is pretty sick. Was up all night super uncomfortable and spiked a fever at 4 AM. The constant vomiting and diarrhea started and has been relentless. I’ve actually lost count how many times she’s been sick. Blood Cultures run, antibiotics started and steroid stress dosing for her adrenal insufficiency. Viral titers and GI samples sent. We’ll see what shows up, if anything.
They think it’s viral or could actually be withdrawals from the dilaudid. Tate decided yesterday afternoon she was done with it as it wasn’t helping much and hasn’t used her button or clinician boluses since. What she was still on was relatively small, but it’s still a possibility. If so…withdrawals are no joke. I didn’t realize how sick they can make your body. She’s on full respiratory and contact precautions which means I’m also not allowed to leave the room. Keira and I had plans today that are put on hold and Tate will go outside line free another day. Meds moved back to IV as she’s keeping nothing down. This will pass, but for today, it’s an uphill climb.