Post BMT Day +107

Post BMT +107

Praiseworthy News! Tatum has kicked Trisomy 8’s Booty!

Tate’s FISH study came back from her Bone marrow Biopsy showing 0% trisomy 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Yes! Super excited about this!) This means every last cell in her bone marrow was obliterated with the chemo and the donor cells have completely replaced her defunct factory with healthy marrow. Her Dr’s fully believe this shouldn’t come back and in time, the antibodies that the evil T8 perpetuated against so many of her organs and systems will leave and they’re definitely not welcome back! This was just the news needed headed into a week of further liver tests. Thank you God!

We had a packed day yesterday. Started at 9am and got home close to 6:00. Med adjustments, PT, clinic appointments, new Dr. Appointments and a little dog Birthday Pawty for Ruffles the Hem/Onc therapy dog (Pringle’s sister.)

Tates labs improved a bit from Monday…liver labs are still way elevated though so we are aiming for a mrcp test (MRI that looks at liver, gallbladder and ducts) possibly today or tomorrow if everything aligns with insurance and scheduling and liver biopsy likely Tuesday. Her new liver Dr. Is amazingly kind and brilliant. She stated this could be multiple issues, but one of them may be that Tate is creating stones and passing them through her liver causing the pain and elevated numbers. Everything spikes, then it gets slightly better including the radiating back pain. If this is part of the problem, the issue then is removing remaining stones as well as her gallbladder which is tricky in a post BMT immunocompromised kiddo. The stones don’t explain all the labs do they are thinking there may be multiple issues including a non liver issue with her platelets. So, Viral infection in her liver is still on the table and gvhd, though less likely except she is on steroids already, also will be ruled out. The biopsy also checks for numerous other things including med toxicity as it is well known that Tatum does not metabolize meds in a traditional way.

One more fun happening. Tate and I stopped to get some dinner after our long day. In walks Dr. Bloom. One of our favorite rheumatologists (next to our loved Dr. Moore and actually really love the entire department) I refused to get Tates wheelchair out again and she wanted to come in, so she was standing and I had ordered food for her! So fun to be able to share a picture of “normalcy” as we work to come full circle. We’ve known Dr. Bloom since she was a fellow. She’s an amazing asset to the rheum team and shares an office with our beloved Dr. Moore. I once was so excited to see her I greeted she and another Dr as they stepped off the elevator with “Hey guys” and gave her a hug. I was mortified and apparently very friend hungry. She then would greet me with “Hi friend” when she’d come into Tate’s room. She’s that amazing! Love her. I also think we know too many CHC staff when we run into them everywhere! Grateful for the added friendships!




Post BMT Day +111


Post BMT Day +105