Post BMT Day +105

Post BMT Day +105

Yesterday was a tough one and today was much more fun.

Early liver ultrasound yesterday just showed sludge. This was disappointing as it eliminated the easy fix for Tate’s unhappy liver and left the bigger issues on the table. By afternoon, Tate’s team called and enough of the TMA labs came back to take that one off the table …again. This at least eliminates one of the bad options…we are thankful!

Tate is once again active with both EBV and CMV viruses. These could be causing the liver inflammation. However, The BMT team feels Tate needs more expertise and so tomorrow she adds the liver clinic to her arsenal of specialists. Liver biopsy is scheduled for Tuesday and is the only way to know if this is virus in her liver, graft vs host, or something else. I’m really just praying that tomorrow, labs are better and this will all just be an entry in Tate’s book of mysteries.

Today was really special. Tate received an invitation to Pringle’s Birthday. He is the therapy dog at North campus. We haven’t seen him and Lauren since December. We had no scheduled appointments today so we’re able to go! Driving into North campus caught me off guard. It was so emotional yet I couldn’t really place my tears. Such a mix of emotions.

Carissa, our North infusion nurse came as well and brought her beautiful mama. Carissa, Lauren and the rest of the North team are so special to us. The time leading up to transplant when Tate was home on hospice still are some of the hardest months we’ve gone through. Getting to see these faces every week and Tate getting to snuggle Pringle got us through. They were the only outside contact Tate and I had….an extension of our family. Carissa is no longer at Childrens and made the trip special to be with us. MA Lauren and scheduler Tina came out too. We missed you Angie! Loved seeing them all! We got to see Tim and our pups too! Grateful for some sunshine today.




Post BMT Day +107


Post BMT Day +102