Post BMT Day +75

Post BMT +75

Vomiting stopped last night! So so thankful. It was so nice to be able to report that Tate tolerated her oral meds both last night and this morning. We’re back to a good place to work on progress again.

Clinic appointments today were long! 11-3:30. Tate ended up needing a potassium infusion. Excessive vomiting and/or diarrhea can cause potassium wasting. This is why the twice weekly labs are so nice. Although a long day, Having the infusion clinic connected with the appointment clinic and also PT/OT, makes it all pretty seamless.

Tate got hit with a bad migraine tonight. It’s tough when nothing in our extensive med arsenal touches it. She was on migraine meds for a bit that worked so well but we had to stop it to try other antiemetics. A mask, cold pack on the head and sleep…

I’m feeling so grateful for Brent’s Place. The last 4 days have been so exhausting and have felt like a couple weeks. The transition back to “real life” is both wonderful and disconcerting at the same time. Being 5 minutes away is a blessing. Tate is getting stronger and soon will need me less and less for the basics. But at this point, getting all the meds crushed and drawn up, getting her ready and out of the apartment with her wheelchair and backpack full of IV nutrition, down the stairs and into the car is a workout for us both and takes far longer than I would ever have anticipated. The trip back in is a bit harder going up the stairs than down, and the evening routine that includes cap changes, line flushes, tpn preparation and administration, med patch changes, sterile dressing changes, G/J button cares, J tube night meds, steroid and nystatin swishes 4 times a day plus just the basics of living is a full day. I AM so grateful to be the one to care for Tate in an environment so close to the hospital with people who are now friends . It is a blessing! And tomorrow things will get even better as the elevator will be fixed! Great news! Cause we are tired!




Post BMT Day +76, 77


Post BMT Day +74