Post BMT Day +74

Post BMT +74

The report for Tate is on repeat. Another long night. Continual vomiting. 1 dose of oral meds kept down and no call again from the Dr. which also means we stayed out of the hospital! Exhaustion runs deep!

The fun parts.….

Drew got home from school in MN last night and brought his roommate. The boys, Tim and Keira all came with Costco dinner. It’s the first time I have sat around the dinner table with even a few of my family members in months! It was so nice. Tate slept solidly this evening for the first time in days and vomiting is decreasing! She took her oral meds tonight with success! I think we are rounding a corner. I feel so incredibly grateful to have been able to avoid a re-admission. It’s funny how God works. Had this not taken place on a weekend or had we not slipped the Dr’s mind, we wouldn’t be sleeping in the apartment tonight. Tate had a really rough weekend. There were many many times I thought I should probably call to bring her in. But she was desperate to stay out and I’m so so grateful we were able to do so. A re-admission at some point is likely, and I’m okay with that. We just needed to string together a few days outpatient to remember what we’ve been fighting for.




Post BMT Day +75


Post BMT Day +73