Big news today!

Day 29:

Big news today! We have a date(ish) for transplant!

We DO have a confirmed donor harvest date for February 22nd. Bmt prep chemo will start the following day, the 23rd. I don’t have a finalized roadmap yet, but transplant will likely be March 2nd or 3rd. It’s crazy to think that originally transplant was discussed to take place the first week in January. Waiting almost another month before things get rolling is tough. But in this crazy Covid climate, we are grateful to have a confirmed donor and date.



I received an email today from the T-shirt campaign suggesting we extend by two days due to the huge response. So we did that. Shirt campaign now closes the 30th. All I can say is Wow! and Thank You! The love and support we feel is far beyond what we could have ever anticipated.

T-shirts can still be ordered for a couple more days. Thank you over and over for all the support! You can find them HERE


Kind of a sleepy Saturday


Therapy pups