Therapy pups

Day 28:

A month here already. Time oddly goes quickly even in the hospital.

Tate received a super special gift today. A blanket covered with her beloved therapy pups. There’s a special focus on Pringle who she got to love on weekly at North campus. It even includes Ralph who was her first love and is now retired. You can see her reaction in the video found HERE. ❤️ It was a nice boost for a day that ended in disappointment. Transplant is delayed…..again. Waiting is hard. Waiting with increasing pain takes everything Tate has to continue to try and find a smile each day. More details on the delay and the new plans when we have more concrete info.

Tomorrow is the last day to order t-shirts. Thank you over and over for all the support! You can find them HERE


Big news today!


Today was a good day!